The Ropemachine 2.0


The new Rope Machine 2.0 is designed to be more efficient, easy to transport, open-source and faster for production. The motorization makes it convenient to work completely independent without much need from experts or others.
The machine is always in a development stage to keep improving its capabilities.

Edition: 2.0
Material: Plywood, hardware
Holden Design
Date First Launched
April 2019

Photos taken at Spazio B**K, a creative art book shop
During the Milan Design Week 2019, in the Isola Design District

The Ropemachine 2.0 was launched during the Milan Design Week 2019 in the wonderful space of the bookshop Spazio B**K in the Isola Design District.

After working several years with one of the most experienced rope makers, Des Pawson, Sanne developed her own rope machine in 2017. This enabled Sanne to work more independently from her home studio in London. The first  self - developed machine, uses 12mm plywood parts and several hardware pieces. This was a hand-driven, manual rope machine.

The second version of the rope machine is designed in collaboration with fabricators and engineers of Holden Design. The design is made to fit perfectly on a standard 8x4 plywood sheet (can create two copies) and the use of a CNC machine.

Other parts to complete the machine include a simple motor gear box, various nuts, bolts and screws. In line with the studio’s ethos, this object is desinged to be open source so other people are able to join the ropemaking community and start recycling anywhere in the world. 

Last edited April 2020


We have worked very hard to make this edition, and are currently in process to make this available for anyone to purchase. Bear with, but in the meantime visit the Shop to find out more


More interested in making your own version? Click here to download the file to create your own. 

The Ropemaking Machine 2.0 © 2019 by Studio Sanne Visser is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

We only ask for one favor in return: please share the process of making and assembling with us, and possibly any outcomes. We can’t wait to see what other people around the globe are making!

”Open Source is a great way of moving forward. The idea of ‘sharing is caring’ has never been more relevant than now. Why would everyone need to reinvent the wheel, when it has already been done?” 


Are you interested in learning together how to make the machine or how to make rope with us? Either a digital workshop or on location, click here to find out more for the interactive workshop sessions.